Woodbine Road Preschool has been preparing the young children of Cranbourne North and surrounding areas for school since officially opening it’s doors on Saturday 11th May 1991, Woodbine fast became one of the busiest preschools within the City of Casey.
From it’s conception, Woodbine Road Preschool has been managed by dedicated teams of volunteers (being parents of attending children), who form a committee to manage the day to day running of the centre. As of then end of 2016, Woodbine Road Preschool is the only remaining not-for-profit Committe run preschool left in the City of Casey.
On the 27th of February 2000, due to the amount of enrolments, Woodbine was extended and converted into a dual room centre with a large community room and Maternal Child and Health centre.
Woodbine Road Preschool is dedicated to providing warm, inviting and inspirating play spaces for our children. We have a large outdoor play area, complete with sandpits, a digging patch and our very own veggie gardens! We are also fully air-conditioned
Come and visit Woodbine and see for yourself how exciting our centre is, and our affordability compared to others in the area.
Woodbine Road Preschool – “Learning Through Discovery”

Our Philosophy
We recognise and respect the Wurundjeri and Bunerong people as the traditional custodians of the land on which we learn.
Our centre is committed to providing a warm, caring, positive environment for everyone involved with the service.
The National Quality Framework, and the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VEYLDF) are embedded within our program which is active play based, with a combination of child-initiated and adult facilitated relationships, experiences and interactions. Our groups at Woodbine are exposed to daily routines, we believe routines help children feel secure and help them understand the expectations of the kindergarten environment.
We believe that all children are competent and capable learners. All children learn at different rates, in different ways (Howard Gardner’s ‘’Multiple Intelligences’), and at different times. Each child can, at their own pace, develop independence, self- identity, and an ability to safely question the world around them.
Our indoor and outdoor environment encourages the children to engage in exploration, questioning, discovery, creativity and problem solving in a cooperative and collaborative manner. Our physical setting and the learning environment at the kindergarten are secure and stable, yet flexible enough to ensure that each child is able to build on the strengths, interests, and abilities that will enable them to achieve their full potential. The children’s learning is scaffolded by their interactions with both the physical and social environments.
Reflective language and thinking is used in these interactions, extending children’s language and higher order thinking (Vygotsky’s Social Cultural theory).
We acknowledge that the safety and wellbeing of each child is paramount. Child safe standards guide our practices. We strive to foster self-worth in each child, and for them to become a positive, effective member of the kinder, and wider community.
We value and respect staff individuality, knowledge, qualifications and experience and encourage growth and positive team co-operation. Our educators are positive role models, guiding behaviour by example, and interacting with children in a way that encourages learning as a pleasant and enjoyable experience. By using reflective practices and continually developing our professional knowledge and skills, our educators are able to provide the best possible learning and developmental opportunities for all children.
Our program is inclusive and is based on acceptance of, and respect for, the diversity of each child and their family regardless of ability, gender, race, language, culture or economic status.
We are also influenced by Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory, reflected in our centre with our understanding that experiences/interactions a child has influences who they are, and how they will develop.
We believe in the importance of families being their child’s first teacher. We recognise that family relationships are important and crucial in a child’s life.
Families understand their child better than anyone else and we appreciate the sharing of information and ideas to enhance child’s learning, and actively encourage family participation.
We believe that all children, staff, and families have the right to be treated with respect in a positive and accepting environment, where the rights of all individuals are acknowledged. We are a community within a community……and we welcome you all to it.